


At maximum eclipse, only 93% of the Sun's disk will be blocked by the Moon as seen from Chicagoland. Visit our eclipse resources page for video and detailed maps to see why we want everyone to go see the Sun 100% eclipsed within the path of totality.

TOTALITY距离克利夫兰只有几个小时的车程, 印第安纳波利斯, 和卡本代尔, but Texas is predicted to have the best chance for clear skies. Plus, 2024 will be the LAST Total Solar Eclipse to sweep across the United States until 2045.


绝对不是! The difference between seeing a partial solar eclipse and a TOTAL solar eclipse is like looking at a picture of BBQ compared to smelling and tasting the finest results of the pitmaster's art. mmmmmmmm. BBQ.

如果你不能到达全食, 塞尔南地球 and 航天中心 will be hosting an eclipse watch featuring safe solar observation, 日食:太阳显露 在天文馆, 《月之暗面 宇宙之光表演和其他活动.



Telescope targets will include the Moon and Saturn with Jupiter rising at about 10:30 p.m. 

2024年11月16日,星期六,6:30 - 10:00.m.

Telescope targets will include Saturn, Jupiter, the Moon next to Jupiter, and Mars rising 9 p.m. 

The 电子竞技竞彩平台 塞尔南地球 and 航天中心 will Livestream “鸟类:重要的不是做什么,而是在哪里”


Date: 2023年3月8日,星期三,晚上7 - 8点

The 电子竞技竞彩平台 塞尔南地球 and 航天中心 will livestream 鸟类:重要的不是做什么,而是在哪里, on 3月8日,星期三,晚7点到8点.m. 承认是 FREE 而且不需要注册.

德国地球和空间中心兴奋地将其本土化 鸟类:重要的不是做什么,而是在哪里William M. 伊利诺伊州尚佩恩市帕克兰学院的斯塔克尔天文馆. 讲座将考察伊利诺斯州中部的观鸟活动, 还有杰夫·布莱恩特的评论, WolframAlpha的数学家. Bryant is an avid naturist, bird watcher and bird photographer.

Bryant will be highlighting parks, ponds, rivers and bird sanctuaries around Champaign, Ill.以及他的鸟类照片.

This domestream will utilize the immersive environment of the planetarium as the presentation flies to different birding locations. Visitors will be able to ask Bryant questions as part of the presentation.

“这是我们第二次与帕克兰学院合作,韦恩·福斯特说, 塞尔南中心天文馆教育工作者之一. “This is a great collaboration between the institutions for a common interest of nature, 野生动物和鸟类.”

The 电子竞技竞彩平台 塞尔南地球 and 航天中心 hours are Monday-Thursday, 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m.; Friday, 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m.; and Saturday, 6:30-9:30 p.m. 塞尔南中心星期天不营业.

欲了解更多信息,请联系 cernan@pjsyy.net 或者访问海卫一.edu/Cernan. 


Date: 2022年5月15日,周日
Time: 8PM - 11PM
Location: 德国地球与航天中心(1栋)
Admission: 月食免费(宇宙光秀5元)



Do I need to bring anything with me to the event such as a telescope?
You might want to bring a chair or blanket to sit comfortably in the observing field when you are not at a telescope. 带上你自己的双筒望远镜 action 不用望远镜的时候. Telescopes for everyone to observe the eclipse are being provided by the Chicago Astronomical Society and Skokie Valley Astronomers. Be sure to thank their members for bringing out their scopes. 

特里顿学院的地址是 第五大道2000号.River Grove. 最好的GPS地址是第五大道1736-1790号.River Grove. The 航天中心 is the I building consisting of a large round brick cylinder hiding the Planetarium with an Apollo capsule and Nike rocket out front. The closest entrance is the traffic light located between the Hemingway traffic light and the intersection of 5th Avenue and River Road. There is plenty of free parking in Lot 6, just north of the 航天中心. Click HERE for a detailed map and directions to reach the 塞尔南地球 and 航天中心. 

All ages are welcome, but younger than 5 will probably not have a good time. 

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Come enjoy a scrumptious dining experience before attending 人居地球:生活在一个互联的世界 在德国地球和空间中心天文馆 周六,2022年4月9日.

Your ticket includes a menu prepared by 电子竞技竞彩平台's Hospitality and Culinary students PLUS 进入 7PM 演讲的 人居地球:生活在一个互联的世界 在天文馆.

天文馆活动前的接待: 5:30-6:45PM


  • 热站
    • 野生蘑菇 & 松露的意大利面
    • 迷迭香柠檬烤鸡
    • 玛格丽塔披萨
  • 冷站
    • 寿司站
    • 酸橘汁腌鱼和大蕉片
    • 扯碎鸡蛋
    • Brie Toast
  • Dessert
    • 巧克力泥杯
  • Drinks
    • 蝴蝶豌豆茶柠檬水
    • Water

Experience 人居地球:生活在一个互联的世界 在天文馆: 7-8 pm

潜入海面以下, travel beneath the forest floor and journey to new heights to explore food webs, invasive species and the intricate intersection between human and ecological networks. 

Click HERE 预览看…的预览 人居地球:生活在一个互联的世界 . 

The planetarium experience will also include a tour of what is visible in the current evening sky and other ‘cool stuff’.

演出结束后,拿点零食带走: 8PM


$15 适合13岁及以上的人
$10 适合6-10岁的青少年
FREE 5岁及以下儿童不宜观看

重要提示: 购票必须用 CASH ONLY 在活动中. Please come with cash in hand as there is not an ATM available in the 航天中心.


  1. 现在预订吧. 我们可能不接受任何临时访客. Click HERE 现在使用在线表格进行预订.
  2. 重要提示: 购票必须用 CASH ONLY. Please come with cash in hand because there is not an ATM in the 航天中心.
  3. Tickets can be purchased in the 塞尔南地球 and 航天中心 office (Bldg I-116) on the campus of 电子竞技竞彩平台 between the hours of 上午9:30和下午4:30. 我们建议打电话 708-456-0300 x 3372 提前通知我们,好让我们知道你会来. There are short periods throughout the day when the office may not be staffed.
  4. Tickets can also be paid for at the door the evening of the event, 但如果你能提前付款,这确实有助于计划.
  5. 第二个提醒: 购票必须用 CASH ONLY 在航天中心办公室或门口. Please come with cash in hand as there is not an ATM in the 航天中心.

For questions about this special Habitat Hospitality reception, contact Manny Uribe at manueluribeespin@pjsyy.net.

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Date: 2022年3月9日,星期三,晚上7 - 8点

鸟类几乎栖息在地球上的每一个生态系统中. In addition to the urban areas and cornfields of Champaign–Urbana, 如果你知道去哪里找,你可以找到各种各样的栖息地. Jeff Bryant (Wolfram Alpha LLC) will provide an overview of some of the diverse environments that can be found around east central Illinois.

Content created and domecast using Digistar 6 Planetarium Software.

远程domecast in the 塞尔南地球 and 航天中心 at 电子竞技竞彩平台 in River Grove, IL. 承认是 FREE.

提出了生活 in the Staerkel Planetarium at Parkland College in Champaign, IL. 门口每人2美元.

有问题? Email cernan@pjsyy.net or call 708-456-0300 x 3372.

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